Can I have the Joy of the Lord


CS Lewis was a brilliant Christian writer and teacher. Yet, early on in life he was a devout atheist who cast a negative eye on those who followed Jesus. He was an Oxford intellectual and teacher with equally brilliant peers, however, his great problem was that some of these fellow authors and professors were Christians who had a profound impact on his coming to know God personally. Because of their integrity, he placed credibility on the possibility that God is real. One of the great characteristics that Lewis was amazed with was joy. These believers had it. And when he finally surrendered his life to God he was moved to write about his conversion experience and titled his book, “Surprised by Joy.” It is a fabulous read. 

Where is Joy from?

Joy is one of those characteristics that is expected of all believers as it is from the Holy Spirit Whom is within each follower of Christ who asks for His indwelling presence. We read in Gal 5:22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,..” NASB. You see, the Spirit of God will bring joy alive within us as we walk in His Light and will. The Word of God informs us how we are to live and treat others, of how we are to know God the Father, and of the promises for those who obey His will. Jesus said of His Word, ”These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” Joh 15:11 NASB.  He is our joy. His life is the light within us. His personality, character, and nature are ours if we will listen and follow. If we follow, listen, and obey, we will have this joy He speaks of as He pours it out through His Holy Spirit. 

What is Joy not like?

There are those who mistakenly equate joy with happiness. The problem with that line of thinking is that happiness is an emotion that is based upon an event happening. They are feelings Happiness is always short lived. Joy is from the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22) and is sourced from Him. Emotions are untrustworthy. Emotions are always temporary. Emotions are a human element. The joy that the Holy Spirit imparts is completely trustworthy, it is complete, and it is eternal. Another problem with the pursuit of happiness is that it is based in humanism where the source of the emotion is from a human effort, or response, and dismisses the involvement of God and His sovereign will. Happiness has no interest in holiness, while joy is related directly to holiness of the Father and holiness of the believer. 

Joy is to be expected

Jesus expects those who follow Him to seek righteousness and His kingdom. He gives us His righteousness, joy, and peace as part of that relationship. The Word instructs and assures us that, “the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:16 NASB As you can see, joy keeps showing up in connection with the Holy Spirit and there is no relationship with the Father without the Holy Spirit. There is also no expected joy without the Holy Spirit since joy is a fruit of the Spirit. They are inseparable. 

Our part in Joy

Jesus told His followers that they were the Light of the world and that light is not to be hidden. Just as the angel brought the news to the shepherds in the field “…Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people;” Luke 2:10 NASB Jesus’ followers are to do the same, “bring good news of great joy, …to all the people.” It is our greatest commission, to bear the Life and Light of Jesus and His purpose. 

Let’s pray:

Father, please empower and encourage us to be Your light in the communities we serve. May You go before us to reveal to us those we should speak Your truth to. Guide our every step for Your Glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Following Jesus, what is there to know