Do I have a home in Heaven?


We often hear about our home in Heaven, or that there is a mansion waiting for you in Heaven. Where do these ideas come from? Is this wishful thinking? Did Jesus say anything about this? The answer is simple, and yet, as was typical with Jesus there is …”more to the story.” Yes, we have a place in Heaven. The “more to the story” part is found throughout the holy Scriptures, specifically in Jesus’ own words. 

In chapter 14 of Matthews gospel we find Jesus addressing His troubled followers who had just learned that Jesus was going away from them. Worse, Peter had just been told that he would be denying Jesus before the rooster crowed. The disciples were emotionally distraught. In John 14:1 we read "Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me,” NASB.  Here, Jesus empathizes with their concerns and emotions, calms them down, and brings them to the foundation of peace and calmness, “believe in God.” Belief is the difference between having a home in Heaven and being told, “away from me, I never knew you.” Matt 7:21-23.  Jesus elsewhere said, “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him,” John 3:36 NASB. Read that again and notice the word-obey. Jesus makes is clear that obedience to His teachings becomes one of the key parts of belief. If we ignore what He is teaching but say we believe then we literally deny Him before others. Jesus was very to the point about representing Him or denying Him, “if we deny Him he will deny us,” see Matt 10:33 NASB. 

So, do you have a place in Heaven, if you believe and obey His teachings, then yes. Jesus went on to say in Matt 14:2, "In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. :3 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also,” NASB. I cannot think of a better way to enter into eternity than by Jesus receiving me. Notice that Jesus mentions two types of locations in Heaven. First, there “are many dwellings.” This refers to a specific dwelling or abode. Imagine a home built by God! You have seen great interior decorators here on earth with fabulous monetary expenditures, but when the God of the universe builds and decorates He has no expense budget. He is the Creator. And, regardless of whether it is simple or ornate you likely will not be concerned because your dwelling will be in His presence. 

The next location is “a place for you.” Place here refers to an area. You may live on Maple St. in Cleveland, but when you are in Florida you wouldn’t refer to Maple St, you would refer to Cleveland or a particular neighborhood …a place. We may take that to mean there is a lot of room for you and those who you care about. Jesus was talking to His disciples who were about to be left alone by themselves, sheep in the middle of a pack of wolves. The idea that Jesus was going to receive them personally and that they had a home and a place would have brought warm comfort to them. You and I have that same promise as long as we read His word, listen to His leading, obey what we read, and represent Him faithfully. 

We are not alone in this journey for Jesus promised  "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you,” John 14:16-17 NASB. Jesus was leaving His disciples (those who follow Jesus are disciples), and was not going to leave them helpless. He made a way that the Spirit of God would live in us, yes, in us. Reread verse 17, “will be in you.” Every disciple of Jesus enjoys this God-presence within them, and that, continually. Not only do you have a home in Heaven with plenty of room for other believers, but you have Gods presence with you at all times. This truth should bring you as much comfort and hope as it did 2000 years ago to those walking with Jesus. 

Let’s pray, “Father in Heaven, thank-you for sending Your Son Who made a way for me. Forgive me and cleanse me. Lead me into Your will and show me how to be obedient. Thank-you that you are a patient and loving God. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and may He teach and guide me. In Jesus Name, Amen. 

Now let me encourage you to read about the Holy Spirit. He is the third part of the God-head and has a very important role in leading you to Heaven.

 God bless you. 


Following Jesus, what is there to know